Translation by Alex Johnson

About “The Diamond Sutra” Website

This website is dedicated entirely to the Diamond Sutra.
Alex Johnson has provided this translation of the Diamond Sutra to make it available to the lay person who has an interest in Buddhism and in this most important text.
You can find different aspects of the Diamond Sutra here, and enjoy a website dedicated to nothing other than the Diamond Sutra.
The Diamond Sutra is the world’s earliest dated printed book.
It is an important Buddhist text that has a long and profound history.
In addition to the actual Text of the Diamond Sutra this web site provides a Diamond Sutra Resources Page which explains the origins of the Diamond Sutra and information about how this new translation was done.
This new translation was done by Alex Johnson, to pass along its message in a modern day format.
Please visit the Contact Page for information about contacting Alex or how you can support this site.
“Time for a New Translation”
A Message From Alex Johnson
One day I was reading a text of the Diamond Sutra and I thought to myself, “Why is this so hard to read?”
There were terms I wasn’t familiar with and the language and style was totally unlike anything I had come across in “real life” – it seemed very awkward.
I knew the message was profound, but I found that I was doing mental gyrations just to try to get into the spirit of the Sutra and understand what was being said in it.
I decided to write my own translation.
This new translation of the Diamond Sutra allows the reader to experience and comprehend this timeless Buddhist text in a more contemporary language and style.
It was designed to be readable, understandable, and not overly laden with flowery language or titles and terms.
—————————– Unabridged (v 1.1) – “trans la tion” – noun
1. the rendering of something into another language or into one’s own from another language.
2. a version of such a rendering: a new translation of Plato.
Through careful methodology this translation is true to the original structure and meaning of the text.
Thanks for visiting this site, and I hope you enjoy this translation of a truly magnificent sutra.
Alex Johnson