Reading & Video by Alex Johnson | Translation by Alex Johnson

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Diamond Sutra: Chapter 18

The Buddha then asked Subhuti, “What do you think? Does the Buddha have human eyes?”
Subhuti replied, “Yes, he has human eyes.”
“Does he have the eyes of Enlightenment?”
“Of course, the Buddha has the eyes of Enlightenment, otherwise he would not be the Buddha.”
“Does the Buddha have the eyes of transcendent intelligence?”
“Yes, the Buddha has the eyes of transcendent intelligence.”
“Does the Buddha have the eyes of spiritual intuition?”
“Yes, lord, the Buddha has the eyes of spiritual intuition.”
“Does the Buddha have the eyes of love and compassion for all sentient beings?”
Subhuti agreed and said, “Lord, you love all sentient life.”
“What do you think, Subhuti? When I referred to the grains of sand in the river Ganges, did I assert that they were truly grains of sand?”
“No blessed lord, you only spoke of them as grains of sand.”
“Subhuti, if there were as many Ganges rivers as there are grains of sand in the river Ganges, and if there were as many buddhalands as there are grains of sand in all those innumerable rivers, would these buddhalands be considered numerous?”
“Very numerous indeed, lord Buddha.”
“Subhuti, I know the mind of every sentient being in all the host of universes, regardless of any modes of thought, conceptions or tendencies. For all modes, conceptions and tendencies of thought are not mind. And yet they are called ‘mind’. Why? It is impossible to retain a past thought, to seize a future thought, and even to hold onto a present thought.”

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